Your Support Needed

Date: 30th July 2020

There are many constraints on the meetings, who are opening again, especially where some meetings, that had attendances of 25 to 30 members, are now obliged by law to reduce attendance to around 12 to 15 with social distancing.

I write this because I know that many are concerned with the ability of the new members to attend a physical meeting for the first time. Zoom meetings are great but many of us realise the attraction of, the atmosphere and energy of a physical meeting, not to mention the “meeting after the meeting”.

We have an active phone service in Galway that receives 12-step calls each week, and the 12-step responders need to know what meetings are open.

If you know of a meeting that is back open and wishes to serve Step 12 of Alcoholics Anonymous, please remind them to notify Galway Area that they are open and tell us what restrictions they have in place.  A contact name and phone number of a 12-step person would be great too.

All of us, members of Alcoholics Anonymous realise the challenges of living and staying sober in these very difficult times and we need to help each other stay sober as best we can.

Thank you for your attention to this appeal and your understanding of its intention.

Yours in Fellowship

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