Our Preamble says it all and the very last sentence says:
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
Galway Area have a number of service positions, where you can satisfy part of your primary purpose.
Website Committee
- Attend committee meeting, address website communications and matters to keep in line with our website policy.
- Requirements: 2 years sobriety.
- You do NOT need any web development knowledge for this position. You will need an email address.
Public Information Committee
- This is an all action position carrying the message of AA to the public. See more here.
- Requirements: 2 years sobriety. This position requires you to attend Area meeting in Galway city about every 6 weeks.
Telephone Committee
- This has always been one of the most important direct link for the suffering alcoholic to Alcoholics Anonymous.
- If you can commit to a few hours per week to answer our phone. We have an evening and day phone. If you would like to offer help with either of these – please get in touch
- Requirements: 2 years sobriety.
If you are interested in helping out with any of these positions, please contact us here or attend the next Area Committee meeting including list of meeting dates.