Galway Area Committee Meetings

Area Meetings are the primary General Service meetings of the Galway West Area’s groups, and are designed to conduct the service activities of the Area.
Voting members of the Area Meetings are GSRs (General Service Representatives) and Area Committee members, or, in their absence, their alternates.
Group Service Representative (GSR)
GSRs are the most important link that any group has with the rest of Alcoholics Anonymous. S/he is chosen by their Group or Meeting at Group Conscience, to carry the thoughts and ideas through to Area and to communicate the activities of Area back to their group.
AREA Committee Meeting
Galway Area Meets every 6 weeks to discuss any issues our service reports. We usually meet on a Wednesday evening at 20:00 till 22:00. The usual venue is The Galway Bay Hotel but Area are trying to get out to other locations around Galway in order to give all groups an opportunity to participate.
Want to attend? Contact phone (front page)
Why Galway Area Meeting?
Holding Galway Area meetings allows full participation by AA members in our Conference Process and is one of Galway Area’s primary functions.
Galway Area represents the collective “Group Conscience” of all the groups and meetings within our area.
The work done during the Area Meeting is an important part of Galway’s overall service work.
Telephone Service
The new telephone service was implemented to increase the connection times that any problem drinker can contact AA for help and has since its inception resulted in many 12 step calls. It also provides an opportunity to satisfy our primary purpose of “staying sober and helping other alcoholics to achieve sobriety”

Open Public Meetings
The Open Public Meetings in the past were held each month and organised by Galway West Area to offer those interested in our fellowship a fully informed and well structured meeting and gentle pathway into AA. It also provides an opportunity for members to speak at these meetings and to satisfy our primary purpose of “staying sober and helping other alcoholics to achieve sobriety”
Galway Convention
Organising the successful Galway Convention is part of the duties of Area
Public Information
The PI (Public Information) is responsible for talking with the public and informing them about our fellowship. You may have received a call from your PI convenor asking if you would talk at the many information talks organised.
Bridging the Gap
With an effective working telephone service in place, a informed professional community and public can access AA and be introduced personally to our fellowship through our Public Open Meetings and from there on to the full programme of AA as practised in our 100 meetings in Galway City and County.
The Election of our Delegates to Intergroup takes place at Area meetings, The Intergroup Delegates communicates the Group Conscience through to Connaught Intergroup and on to Conference and carries back to Galway Area communication regarding other Areas in Connaught and Conference.
Treasurers report on finances of AA in Galway Area. There are expenses for Carrying the Message and other Area Service activity and the use of this money needs to be open and transparent.
Is your group represented at Galway Area?
Guest or Observer
You can also attend Area meetings as an observer or guest, where you can participate in discussions, however you will not have a vote unless you are a GSR (see above).