AA History Galway

This is a work in progress and I hope all interested parties get in touch to contribute or contradict the historical data here. This is a vital part of AA in Galway and there is very little data available that can be corroborated by living members.

We are informed that AA started in Galway in the year 1950.

Hotel Enda

There was a meeting in the Hotel Enda in Dominick Street, Galway. In 1967, Martin Hession bought the building and changed the name to The Coachman. There is some speculation that this meeting stopped and a meeting was started in Tuam.

Odeon Hotel

The Odeon Hotel in Eyre Square was a place frequented by many members after a meeting for a cuppa and a continuation of the earlier meeting.


A meeting started in Tuam just after the closing of the meeting in Hotel Enda.


Alcoholics Anonymous in Ireland: AA’s first European experience: Shane Butler, Tony Jordan

Alcohol, Drugs and Health Promotion in Modern Ireland (see page 25 – 29). Google Books.

Galway AA Chronology by Date

 ? December 1950Sackville writes about the Mallow and Galway meetings starting…. Click here
? December 1950Sackville announces the Public meeting in Galway to the national press. Click here
? December 1950December 1950 in the Connaught Tribune, there was an article announcing that “A Public Meeting” will be held in Galway City in the Town Hall on 8th December 1950. Click here
8th December 1950First Public Meeting held in Galway Town Hall
 ? December 1950December 1950 in the Connaught Sentinel, there was an article about the AA meeting held on 8th December 1050. Click here
 ? 1964December 1964. Pearse Carney writes a letter on the history of AA in Connacht …. Click Here…
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