Chapter Ten

To Employers                                                        (pages 136 to 150) AMONG MANY employers nowadays, we think of one member who has spent much of his life in the world of big business. He has hired and fired hundreds of men. He knows the alcoholic as the employer sees him. His present views ought to prove exceptionally useful to business… Continue reading Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

The Family Afterwards                                    (pages 122 to 135) OUR WOMEN FOLK have suggested certain attitudes a wife may take with the husband who is recovering. Perhaps they created the impression that he is to be wrapped in cotton wool and placed on a pedestal. Successful readjustment means the opposite. All members of the family should meet… Continue reading Chapter Nine

Chapter Eight

TO WIVES*                                                   (pages 104 to 120) * Written in 1939, when there were few women in A.A., this chapter assumes that the alcoholic in the home is likely to be the husband. But many of the suggestions given here may be adapted to help the person who lives with a woman alcoholic—whether she is still… Continue reading Chapter Eight

Chapter Seven

Working with Others                                      (pages 89 to 103) Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence… Continue reading Chapter Seven

The Golden Key

FOREWORD I have condensed this message into five pages. Had it been possible, I would have condensed it to five lines. It is not intended to be an instructional treatise, but a practical guide for getting out of trouble. Study and research are well in their own time and place, but no amount of either… Continue reading The Golden Key

Aran Inis Oirr

MON TUE WED THU 20:00 FRI SAT SUN Address: Baile an Lurgan, Inis Oirr, Aran Islands Eircode: H91 NH3N Directions: 53.064608, -9.529645 Notes: Close to Aras Eanna Arts Centrefor more information please contact +353 83 382 6774 . Group:


There is a Solution MON TUE WED 19:00 THU FRI SAT SUN Address: Barnaderg Community Centre Eircode: H54 E529 Meeting phone: +353 87 975 5306 Directions: Google Map… GPS: 53.480026, -8.720931 Notes: Enter side door


Connaught Groups Insurance Scheme The Connaught Groups Insurance scheme, is a service provided by Galway Area. The Group Insurance scheme is an additional insurance to your landlords public liability insurance. Some landlords may require this cover to indemnify them against extra liabilities they may incur. To inquire about participation in our scheme please complete this… Continue reading Insurance

Serenity Prayer Ukr

Молитва про спокійГосподи, даруй мені смирення, щобсприймати речі, які не можливо змінити,мужності, змінити те, що мені під силу,та мудрості, щоб розуміти різницю.

Legacy of Service

Alcoholics Anonymous Legacy of Service by Bill W.W.Our Twelfth Step—carrying the message—is the basic service that the A.A. Fellowship gives; this is our principal aim and the main reason for our existence. Therefore, A.A. is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action. We must carry the message, else… Continue reading Legacy of Service

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